
goddess of flowers
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Global Cooling is Coming
Climate Change is certainly occurring due to the hundreds of Thermonuclear explosions in the Southern Pacific Ocean. The Ecosystem is reacting to new inputs to counter the imbalance to put it mildly. Nature is not ruled by what Physicists and Chemists do in laboratories. Plankton and bacteria are changing the Climate. CO2 does not heat up anything if it did we could use it as a fuel, it is oxidized carbon with little energy to make any sort of change. However CO2 is the best indicator to show the anthropogenic disturbances of Mankind e.g. radiation and pollution. Dissolve Organic Matter from farms, deforestation and development causing soil erosion is the prime ongoing climate factor right now. DOM has lots of energy for marine bacteria to use and upset the Ocean Food Chain. Beware big changes are on the way. It is going to be a long cold winter in the NE USA.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Think progress
The Oyster crash has nothing to do with rising CO2 levels. It is a result of increased turbidity, BOD and Dissolved Organic Matter in estuaries. All the evidence gathered to support the stupid greenhouse effect theory should be directed at the loss of Organic matter and eutrophication in estuaries and river deltas. Acidification is a result of marine bacteria thriving at the expense of plankton.The author should study ecology and forget the pseudoscience of greenhouse global warming. It is like stating the "bible tells me so" for every argument presented about pollution or ecosystem disruption.
Reforest now
What is the value of Organic Matter for Agriculture, Forestry, Home gardens, Residential neighborhoods and Commercial properties? OM is a product of the decomposition of all living matter by living things. If the soil is devoid of life then OM will be lost. Poisoning the soil with pesticides such as soil fumigants and toxic wastes such as petroleum derivatives will destroy the soil ecology. If a soil is healthy with a good quantity of OM, minerals, porous and free of toxic components, it can sustain healthy roots and plants above it. The economics of a Nation depends on a healthy soil to sustain its growth. A politics that does not support this economics will fail to sustain its people.
What happens when communities fail to protect the soil beneath their feet? Suppose the people elect a government that allows unrestricted logging of the forests, damming of rivers, burning of open ground, plantation farming, unregulated industry polluting the land and water, pesticides leaching into the land and water. This has already happened in America and continues to happen now as I write.
All these activities accelerate the loss of a precious resource, the Soil, into rivers into the Sea. Much of the OM is sent to estuaries and river deltas where marine bacteria and diatoms use it in profusion causing eutrophication along with added nitrogen and phosphorus. These are not isolated incidents but a worldwide phenomenon. It is an ecological catastrophe that threatens human life on Earth. You may ask how and why?
Like any ecosystem the Ocean takes time to recycle minerals and Carbon from all the rivers emptying wastes from farms, cities, towns, industries and logging camps. Not only is OM lost from the soil but the OM now goes to feeding marine bacteria in the Ocean. Also the toxins from all this waste kills the plankton but leaves the bacteria undisturbed for the most part. This upsets the balance of the food chain in the Ocean. If this continues to happen the Ocean will no longer be able to sustain a healthy fish population as the food pyramid will crash. Ultimately even the plankton population will fail to produce oxygen as the Ocean becomes anoxic. Guess what happens to those living at the top?
You can believe all the nonsense financed by Banks and Big Business that CO2 gas in the atmosphere is the cause of Climate disruption but it is a Big Lie to cover up the truth. No amount of “Green energy” projects and technology will solve the Human problem of overpopulation and industrialization without conserving wildlife, wilderness, and forests. Salmon don't give a damn about solar panels or alga farms, they want wild rivers to swim up without dams in the way. If you cut down the forests and kill all the wolves, bears, cougars, and every other creature that you would label a varmit, you will damn your generation to hell on Earth. Technology can help if it does not mine the very wilderness it proposes to save.
What happens when communities fail to protect the soil beneath their feet? Suppose the people elect a government that allows unrestricted logging of the forests, damming of rivers, burning of open ground, plantation farming, unregulated industry polluting the land and water, pesticides leaching into the land and water. This has already happened in America and continues to happen now as I write.
All these activities accelerate the loss of a precious resource, the Soil, into rivers into the Sea. Much of the OM is sent to estuaries and river deltas where marine bacteria and diatoms use it in profusion causing eutrophication along with added nitrogen and phosphorus. These are not isolated incidents but a worldwide phenomenon. It is an ecological catastrophe that threatens human life on Earth. You may ask how and why?
Like any ecosystem the Ocean takes time to recycle minerals and Carbon from all the rivers emptying wastes from farms, cities, towns, industries and logging camps. Not only is OM lost from the soil but the OM now goes to feeding marine bacteria in the Ocean. Also the toxins from all this waste kills the plankton but leaves the bacteria undisturbed for the most part. This upsets the balance of the food chain in the Ocean. If this continues to happen the Ocean will no longer be able to sustain a healthy fish population as the food pyramid will crash. Ultimately even the plankton population will fail to produce oxygen as the Ocean becomes anoxic. Guess what happens to those living at the top?
You can believe all the nonsense financed by Banks and Big Business that CO2 gas in the atmosphere is the cause of Climate disruption but it is a Big Lie to cover up the truth. No amount of “Green energy” projects and technology will solve the Human problem of overpopulation and industrialization without conserving wildlife, wilderness, and forests. Salmon don't give a damn about solar panels or alga farms, they want wild rivers to swim up without dams in the way. If you cut down the forests and kill all the wolves, bears, cougars, and every other creature that you would label a varmit, you will damn your generation to hell on Earth. Technology can help if it does not mine the very wilderness it proposes to save.
Economics of Conservation
There are libraries of work devoted to the ethics of conservation and the problem of resolving economic value to the conservation of natural resources. The key to solving the economics of conservation is the discovery of the value of organic matter in the soil. First of all how does organic matter come to exist in a soil? Organic matter in the form of humus originates by the action of bacteria, mold and the respiration of plants above the soil. If plants are removed from above the soil then the soil will become oxidized and the organic matter will be easily leached by rain. Organic matter exists by an ecological process with a balance between air and water in the soil profile. In a forest mycorrhizae colonize within the organic matter and roots of trees. This symbiosis of fungus and trees is necessary for any substantial growth of the forest. If the trees are removed, the soil is laid bare thus tipping the balance toward oxidation and leaching of the OM into consequent streams then rivers into the Ocean. In any given scenario whereby large tracts of land are denuded by fire, farming, logging or development, OM will be lost from the soil.
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