Are WE not forgetting the HETEROTROPHIC bacteria in the soil and Ocean that emit so much CO2? Should not WE tax these tiny creatures who pose a threat to life on Earth by spewing so much toxic CO2 into OUR clean air? They also steal energy from the Phytoplankton in the Ocean which make Oxygen to breathe. These gangsters are the Black Market economy of the Ocean. I say it is time that the EPA set up a task force like the FBI to round up these little devils and stop them from any further discharges. WE do not need anymore toxic gas going into the air and causing the Earth to overheat until it gets so damn hot you could fry an egg on the pavement. The same is true of the Mafia and their money laundering amongst us Humans. They feed off the proletariat workers taking their Union dues, skimming their wages and mismanaging Green projects. The “dangerous class”, the social scum, that passively rotting mass thrown off by the lowest layers of the old society, may, here and there, be swept into the movement by a proletarian revolution; its conditions of life, however, prepare it far more for the part of a bribed tool of reactionary intrigue. Yes my friend We must put an end to this waste. If the Revolution is to succeed WE must make sacrifices on the altar of Communism. The Free market economy allows such crazy notions like Creativity and Imagination in the individual. This is the very source of the bourgeois society with their Avant Garde snobbery and consumer excesses. Its like those Peacocks and Birds of Paradise that always want to show off their feathers. NO let us not behave so shamelessly for We are like ANTS who are very efficient and get the work done without complaint while the lazy grasshoppers try to steal from Our cache.
Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.
On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie. But this state of things finds its complement in the practical absence of the family among the proletarians, and in public prostitution. Yes my friend We have entered a NEW AGE where there is no longer a need for useless family structure and all those relatives who bother you about the family tree. I say cut off the Branch!Only then can We be freed of the yoke of the oppressor. But We must start at the bottom and work Our way up to the top. First we eliminate the heterotrophic bacteria We must tackle them before WE can take on the bullies at the top like Don Trump, Don Cardinale or Don Juan who would want to steal your wife when you are out working. Let us not forget El Lechero, the Milkman, is it not he that started this trouble in the first place? that enterprising upstart going from town to town selling milk to wives when there husbands are out working. Soon whole towns are full of little Lecheros. OH MY GOD! Whoops, sorry forgot he doesn't exist. But why does that star twinkle, DAD?

goddess of flowers
Friday, July 29, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Ancient Symbiosis
Emiliania, like most other phytoplankton, are autotrophic. They produce their own energy through oxygenic photosynthesis. Their photosynthetic organells are chloroplasts derived through "secondary endosymbiosis," that is, ancestral engulfment of an alga that already contained a chloroplast derived from a cyanobacterial ancestor. This is what I am referring to. 200 Million years ago cyanobacteria formed this symbiosis. E. hux became prevalent about 250,000 years ago in Quaternary Sea. The Coccoliths evolved at a time when Carbon dioxide was very high in the atmosphere and the Mg/Ca ratio was high as well. So it is a mystery as to how and why they came about under these conditions. I never said E. hux was a cyanobacteria but a symbiotic partner with a host. They do form symbiotic relationships with Coccolithophores.
Underwater Times This article explains the role of Roseobacter but does not reveal its name. It has already been discovered that R. nitroficans feeds off DMS from E. hux as a Carbon energy source. Now a further step needs to be taken to see how R. nitroficans reacts to GCR. I bet it will migrate into deeper water for protection from the high frequency GCR. It does not have the added protection of the Coccolithophore. So if you are smart you will see the outcome. DMS produced by E. hux during the day. High GCR at low sunspot cycle, Roseobacter migrates away, more DMS for cloud production, more Cooling. Very simple theory and every step is backed up by solid scientific research. Skeptics will need verification of GCR effects on Roseobacter but that is obvious. Still the work must be done.
Actually I am a scientist and a past member of the Oregon Society of Soil Scientists, I have earned over 100 credits in science. I have links from scientific research papers to show all the evidence. Its is ecology meets astrophysics. There are experiments being conducted as I write that will confirm what I say about Galactic Cosmic rays. Just let me know if you want to be in the discovery of a lifetime. You have not declared yourself to me as a scientist of any kind except to say you were on a boat. Darwin was on the Beagle and that is where he came to some brilliant revelations. As for the matches between your vague references about greenhouse gases (a bad term) and CO2, you should clarify as a scientist. There is always going to be Climate Change especially when you explode hundreds of thermonuclear bombs and that is where the big coverup lies. Also CO2 always follows the warming, it does not cause warming, deforestation and ecological disruption causes warming. CO2 is released by dying organisms and upwelling from the Ocean after the warming. If land is denuded it will warm up and CO2 will be released. But if you lack common sense you should not be involved in science. Here is the info you asked about Coccolithophore:Coccoliths are individual plates of calcium carbonate formed by coccolithophores (single-celled algae such as Emiliania huxleyi) which are arranged around them in a coccosphere. Now to answer your question about acidification of the Ocean. When the cyanobateria (blue green alga) dies it descends to the depths to be recycled by bacteria if not eaten by zooplankton. The calcium shell neutralizes the acid effect of CO2. here is a link on the symbiosis of ancient times:
To disregard the process of photosynthesis of this prominent organism and many others like it in the Ocean is folly. It is the foundation upon which rests the Ecosystem and Biodiversity of the Ocean food web from which depends zooplankton from krill to Whales. Also since the Ocean covers 2/3rds of the planet it is reasonable to assume that it supplies at least an equal proportion of the Oxygen and Carbon recycling. That is where my theory of galactic Cosmic rays comes in,it is well known among commercial fisherman that the best catches occur during periods of low sunspot numbers. But even this cycle was interrupted by the blasts that occurred in the Ocean. I have a lot more information linked to scientific research on all parameters of this subject. My theory is similar to the Gaia theory but it diverges in one important respect: I do not assign any mythological aspect to the planet as a goddess. Also the most important stimulant for Climate Change does not exist on this planet or even the Solar system but lightyears away. I acknowledge of course that Mankind is certainly an agent of Climate change and usually for the worse, that is why I study ecology. But Mankind is only a temporary disturbance, there has and always will be Climate change on this planet with or without Mankind. It is the nature of the Cosmos.
To disregard the process of photosynthesis of this prominent organism and many others like it in the Ocean is folly. It is the foundation upon which rests the Ecosystem and Biodiversity of the Ocean food web from which depends zooplankton from krill to Whales. Also since the Ocean covers 2/3rds of the planet it is reasonable to assume that it supplies at least an equal proportion of the Oxygen and Carbon recycling. That is where my theory of galactic Cosmic rays comes in,it is well known among commercial fisherman that the best catches occur during periods of low sunspot numbers. But even this cycle was interrupted by the blasts that occurred in the Ocean. I have a lot more information linked to scientific research on all parameters of this subject. My theory is similar to the Gaia theory but it diverges in one important respect: I do not assign any mythological aspect to the planet as a goddess. Also the most important stimulant for Climate Change does not exist on this planet or even the Solar system but lightyears away. I acknowledge of course that Mankind is certainly an agent of Climate change and usually for the worse, that is why I study ecology. But Mankind is only a temporary disturbance, there has and always will be Climate change on this planet with or without Mankind. It is the nature of the Cosmos.
Actually Emiliana huxleyi (one example)is doing quite well as can be seen from recent NASA satellite photos. As more CO2 is available and in areas of upwelling blooms are taking place. One major factor in these occurrences is a low Sunspot number. Galactic Cosmic Ray flux is higher now as a result, which comes to my theory. First of all the disturbance of the Climate for the last 60 years is due to explosions of Thermonuclear blasts in the Ocean which destroyed ecosystems and biodiversity. This should be obvious unless you are just plain blind to the facts. Phytoplankton the base of the food web was wasted and Marine bacteria(such as Roseobacter class) took its place recycling Carbon but producing no Oxygen or DMS. It has taken years for the phytoplankton to recover. Anymore explosions, nuclear waste or oil spills could set back this delicate process of Life. Here is my theory: GCR (which comes from Outer Space) has a negative impact on bacteria in the trophic zone of the Ocean causing them to migrate or die. Also Zooplankton such as Krill and Copepods will be damaged by the high frequencies. Cyanobacteria protected by the calcium shells are free to float near the surface and not molested by bacteria and zooplankton at this time of High GCR flux will bloom in large swirls in the Ocean. This is an ancient partnership that is a symbiosis at least a hundred million years old. It is the basis of our Oxygen atmosphere we breathe today. It is the GCR impact on our world that has mutated a life form and caused a beautiful thing to happen as these marvelous little globes float near the surface of the Sea. Coccolithophores take in the Carbon dioxide and make sugars and water in the process of photosynthesis. They also produce DMS to deter Zooplankton and which the bacteria feed on as a Carbon source. Of course the phytoplankton need sunlight and stay near the surface to get rays, the Sun also emits plenty of harmful UV and even cosmic ray frequencies. So most of the feeding occurs at night however much less occurs at high GCR flux. Because there is less Solar wind with a low Sunspot number the Galactic Cosmic rays enter the atmosphere. DMS aerosols have been shown to be in higher concentrations of clouds above phytoplankton blooms than elsewhere. The phytoplankton not only produce Oxygen and water but make clouds and even change the course of hurricanes which feed off their Energy. It is the little things that matter. So let us protect these precious creatures. They make life possible for the Whales and Us too.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Tunguska Event
Shaidurov explains that the levels of carbon dioxide and methane, the other two greenhouse gases are not the cause behind global warming but the effect of global warming. That this might be so has long been speculated, because global warming seems to have preceded the increase in carbon dioxide and methane. But Shaidurov also explains the mechanism:
"The point is that the average increase of land and ocean temperature produces higher average absolute humidity. In its turn, this raises the assimilation ability of the atmosphere even at constant content of carbon dioxide. But increasing the average ocean temperature is responsible for lower water solubility of carbon dioxide, which then arrives in the atmosphere. Moreover, increase in land temperature is responsible for growth of bogs, at least in Northern Russia, due to the removal of permafrost deep down. The rise in area and activity of bogs leads to more active production of methane. Thus, a self-stimulated process was launched for the increase of average temperature of the Earth's surface. Therefore the rise of greenhouse gas concentration is more a consequence of warming but not a main reason."
Therefore, there exists a positive feedback mechanism at work: the Tunguska Event has changed the distribution of water vapors and ice crystals in the atmosphere (the nature of the clouds) and has started the global warming; global warming produces an increase in the levels of the other greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane, and these in turn also contribute to the increase in global warming. However, the CO2 and the methane are negligible compared to the water vapors. A rise of just 1% of water vapor could raise the global average temperature of Earth's surface more then 4 degrees Celsius.
As Andrew E. Dessler of the Texas A & M University writes in 'The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change': "Human activities do not control all greenhouse gases, however. The most powerful greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is water vapour. Human activities have little direct control over its atmospheric abundance, which is controlled instead by the worldwide balance between evaporation from the oceans and precipitation."
"The point is that the average increase of land and ocean temperature produces higher average absolute humidity. In its turn, this raises the assimilation ability of the atmosphere even at constant content of carbon dioxide. But increasing the average ocean temperature is responsible for lower water solubility of carbon dioxide, which then arrives in the atmosphere. Moreover, increase in land temperature is responsible for growth of bogs, at least in Northern Russia, due to the removal of permafrost deep down. The rise in area and activity of bogs leads to more active production of methane. Thus, a self-stimulated process was launched for the increase of average temperature of the Earth's surface. Therefore the rise of greenhouse gas concentration is more a consequence of warming but not a main reason."
Therefore, there exists a positive feedback mechanism at work: the Tunguska Event has changed the distribution of water vapors and ice crystals in the atmosphere (the nature of the clouds) and has started the global warming; global warming produces an increase in the levels of the other greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane, and these in turn also contribute to the increase in global warming. However, the CO2 and the methane are negligible compared to the water vapors. A rise of just 1% of water vapor could raise the global average temperature of Earth's surface more then 4 degrees Celsius.
As Andrew E. Dessler of the Texas A & M University writes in 'The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change': "Human activities do not control all greenhouse gases, however. The most powerful greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is water vapour. Human activities have little direct control over its atmospheric abundance, which is controlled instead by the worldwide balance between evaporation from the oceans and precipitation."
Letter to Oceanus
What I was looking for is research into how Galactic Cosmic Rays may effect the growth and migration of heterotrophic marine bacteria such as Roseobacter class. I have a hunch that if GCR rate is high, this will have a negative effect on the bacteria causing them to migrate away from the surface of the Ocean into the depths. At the same time the Cyanobacteria protected within the calcium shells of the diatoms will not have its DMS products stolen by the bacteria and will reproduce at a much faster rate resulting in blooms. Also the Zooplankton will migrate away from a higher GCR rate so there will be less feeding on Phytoplankton. Altogether my theory states that a higher GCR will result in Phytoplankton blooms and a Cooler planet as a result. But I can not verify this theory without field work that would need to be done, such as quantifying populations of marine bacteria at different times of the day, diurnal migrations, comparisons with populations for different rates of GCR coinciding with Solar activity. I have not been able to find any scientific work done on the GCR effects on bacteria growth. It makes sense that high frequency waves will cause mutations and cell damage to bacteria outside of a calcium shell. I believe this is the key to Climate on planet Earth.
The real danger that you and most people overlook are the consequences of hundreds of Thermonuclear bombs exploded in the Ocean form the fifties to 1996. This series of events changed the Climate and destroyed many ecocsystems in the Ocean destroying the diversity. It is the phytoplankton in the Ocean that determine life on Earth more so than anything on land. Only recently has the phytoplankton begun to recover and if unmolested by oil spills and further nuclear waste, we may survive. CO2 will only let phytoplankton grow faster. You have been duped. The guilty ones have got one over on you. Even now they say nuclear war can Cool the planet. At first it may Cool the planet but with the phytoplankton gone the bacteria will take over and it will go back to the PreCambrian age. These NUKE people are very clever.
I have a candidate called the Cosmic Ray Guy. He is really Cool and he is from Outerspace. Every night he attacks Earth and kills lots of Earthlings with his deadly rays. He shoots a gun with a very high frequency blast. He laughs because he knows you cant shoot back because he is lightyears away. So when its dark and the Sun is quiet he kills billions of bacteria near the surface of the Ocean. But the cyanobacteria in the diatoms are safe even during the day when the Sun is shining. They are protected by the calcium shell of the diatoms floating in the Sea basking in the rays of the Sun. They like Cosmic Ray Guy because he scares away the bacteria which feed off their energy source. Even the Zooplankton have to descend further away when Cosmic Ray guy is around. So the phytoplankton love him and bloom big swirls in the Ocean whenever he is around. That is what makes the world COOL.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Just what are you researching smarty pants? The evidence I'd say is going through your sieve? What do you think a Thermonuclear blast would do to an ecosystem in the Ocean? Seem like you are forgetting some vital facts. Guys like you are like McClellen at the battle of Richmond,its right there in front of you but you can't see it. Maybe its too tiny you need a microscope. Clue they live from top to bottom and are called the "black market economy" of the Ocean. Its not my ego at all but my inquisitive mind, I abhor consensus. My gift to you today: just look at the relationship between marine bacteria and galactic cosmic rays, diurnal & seasonal migration, diatoms, phytoplankton blooms during periods of record catches of fish, there is a lot more if you are curious.What is your theory? Every scientist has one of his own.
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