
goddess of flowers
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Mankind's legacy for a thousand years
Why does atmospheric levels of Carbon dioxide lag behind atmospheric lower troposphere temperature over the past 400,000 years? Consider the Carbon cycle and the Solar cycles, therein lies a link with the life processes of the planet. The climate is definitely warming with a sharp rise about 1910. Is it rising because of recent inputs of CO2 to the atmosphere? If Co2 lags temp rise I can not see a direct cause. But it does seem clear that CO2 is an indicator of pollution and anthropogenic climate change. Its rise along with temp can only be caused by man’s intervention into the ecosystem. If you look at the past century and the last 10,000 years you will discover the pattern. Between warming and cooling peaks and troughs, there is about 800 years. So this indicates soil carbon loss to the atmosphere where it precipitates with rainfall after less than a hundred years and the Ocean where it is stored for hundreds of years. You could interpret this as an explanation for carbon dioxide as a driver but there is another explanation. Carbon loss from the soil means that mankind has done something drastic to alter the environment. This would usually entail the downfall of civilization as resources are in short supply. In terms of the environment the loss of carbon from the soil indicates that deforestation is the cause with desertification following. What happens when a vast tract of forest is cut down to support the building of cities and ships? The ground is bare of most vegetation and heterotrphic bacteria eat the remaining carbon in the soil. The soil is then oxidized by the action of the Sun’s radiation creating oxisols. What does this do to the temperature over the land? Without the cover of forests and clouds, temperatures soar during the day like in a desert from the Equator to mid latitudes where mankind lives. Carbon dioxide and water vapor rise from the bare ground at an increasing rate as the temperature rises. This continues until the soil is exhausted of carbon from the top few inches and the soil is oxidized and infertile. So Carbon dioxide does not cause the temperature rise. It is caused by the denuding of the soil by mankind’s intervention. Why is there a sharp rise in temperature in the past 100 years? Is it because of industrial pollution from the use of fossil fuels? Again there will be a lag phase of hundreds of years between carbon dioxide levels and temperature rise. There can certainly be regional effects such as smog and inversions creating heat islands but overall most of the carbon dioxide and water vapor will escape into the atmosphere and streams to the Ocean. Most of the heat in the gas will escape into outer space but some will heat up clouds in the troposphere. The majority of the heat from carbon loss will be stored in the Ocean or dissipate on the surface depending on sea surface temperatures, phytoplankton populations, wind currents etc. So why was there a sharp rise around the turn from the 19th to the 20th century? I would go back in time 800 to 1000 years and look at what mankind was doing then. What we do today will affect people 800 years from now.
Carbon dioxide levels ALWAYS lag behind temperature rise
Carbon dioxide levels always lag behind global temperature rise and sometimes by as much as 800 years. That proves Co2 can not be the cause. It looks very good on the graph until you see the correlation is not direct. There is another factor which is the Ocean, it covers 2/3rds of the planet. It stores Carbon and Oxygen as well as other elements in a richer isotope ratios because C3 photosynthesis favors more C12 evaporating into the Atmos. The detritus of plankton and fish fall to the Ocean depths where it is not recycled for some 400 years. Plankton and mollusks make calcium carbonate shells that adjust the pH of the sea in proportion to the carbon dioxide dissolved in the surface of the water. This balance is dependent upon the health of the plankton. So eutrophication, toxins, oil spills and plastic debris will adversely affect phytoplankton health with disastrous results for the food chain. Let us not forget that over 2000 atomic bombs were detonated between 1945 and 1980 with consequent hole in the Ozone over the Arctic.Needless to say ecosystems in the South Pacific are now poisoned for hundreds of thousands of years. Maybe this can account for some heat and radioactivity. Maybe just a little bit I think. Also the Tunguska event over Siberia was a near miss of the planet that was equivalent to 1000 Hiroshima bombs exploding. The temperature spiked right after and kept going until 1940. No Co2 is not the problem. We need to have Nuclear disarmament before we are all wasted. CO2 is never going to kill us until after the planet is wasted by Nuclear War. Then there will be no more Trees and the air will be toxic to breathe. Let us teach our children well. The Sun has been strong and diverted much of the Galactic Cosmic rays that would otherwise come through the Ozone hole but now it is Quiet. The Solar magnetic flux doubled by a factor of 2 since 1908. So we have more heat but less damaging cosmic rays which can mutate genes and cause cancer. The Ozone hole has closed somewhat. Let's keep it that way. get rid of the atom bombs and smokestacks that emit smog and soot. Plant Trees that will provide more Oxygen and Water, homes for birds, shade, high carbon soil, streams, snow on the mountain, fresh spring water in the river deltas and healthy phytoplankton for seafood we eat. It is a cycle that we are part of. So teaching our kids keeps it going around for generations. Jacques Costeau and Rachel Carson led the way. We should follow. Peace
Thursday, January 27, 2011
2011 is the gotterdammerung of global warming, upwelling caused by GCR will energize the bioluminescent feeding frenzy on the phytoplankton blooms.
Second part is the mechanism of how GCR activates the phytoplankton (PI) production cycle. Quiet Sun is beneficial to PI growth with less UV radiation.An increase of Galactic cosmic rays (GCR) causes acoustic cavitation in the shallow depths of the Ocean waters. Tiny bubbles form wherein carbon dioxide and oxygen are ionized but also radiated at high temperatures from the very intense high energy from the cosmic frequency containing protons (H+) and muons. Isotopes of carbon,oxygen, and ions of salt present such as argon,chlorine and boron. Bacteria are adversely affected by the bursting of these bubbles and the radiation destroys their vital DNA. Plankton have defenses to protect against some of the radiation such as calcium carbonate shells, selective nanogates and motility. Most of the cosmic ray flux comes after the solar wind decreases at night so the phyoplankton migrate deeper. That is when the zooplankton with bioluminesce feed upon the phytoplankton more successfully and avoid the solar UV rays as well as fish. Increased upwelling occurs during this period due to Ekman transport processes. Upwelling of nutrients occurs to feed PI along with zooplankton, bioluminescent dinoflaggelates, squid, jellies, bacteria, fish from Ocean depths of 1000 to 8000 feet. GCR penetrates deep into Ocean with high energy bursts (proton, muons & neutrinos) giving power to bioluminescence and food finding at night. GCR supplies H+ for NADP >ADP> cycle for Phosphorus cycle and luciferin. This movement brings on motility and migration of zooplankton to the surface in great numbers. GCR can penetrate ice and depths of Ocean. In the Arctic and Antarctic the favored creature would be populations of Krill.A species of crustacean that the great whales depend upon as a food source.
A combination of high PI growth and increased feeding at night results in increased DMS and cloud formation. Increased feeding on PI by zooplankton results in more lysis of PI cells releasing dimethyl sulfide into the Atmos. In the atmosphere DMS is oxidized into sulfur dioxide which acts as a nucleus for cloud condensation. These low clouds reflect the sunlight and cool the surface of the Ocean. Life from the Cosmos is generated and energized into abundance.Groundbreaking discovery aint it for a hick like me but I am standing on the shoulders of Giants like Svensmark and Lovelock et al in my references.
A combination of high PI growth and increased feeding at night results in increased DMS and cloud formation. Increased feeding on PI by zooplankton results in more lysis of PI cells releasing dimethyl sulfide into the Atmos. In the atmosphere DMS is oxidized into sulfur dioxide which acts as a nucleus for cloud condensation. These low clouds reflect the sunlight and cool the surface of the Ocean. Life from the Cosmos is generated and energized into abundance.Groundbreaking discovery aint it for a hick like me but I am standing on the shoulders of Giants like Svensmark and Lovelock et al in my references.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Cosmic rays induce phytoplankton production and better fishing
This is the gist of my theory folks. La Nina has commenced as a result of a Quiet Sun, lower Sea Surface temperatures, upwelling of nutrients,and consequent phytoplankton (PI) blooms will be sustained for zooplankton increases and of course greater catches of fish in years to come. This event bodes well for Climate for the phytoplankton will produce dimethyl sulfide in defense against feeding by zooplankton. Feeding brings lysis of phytoplankton cells and release of DMS into the atmosphere as well as ingestion by zooplankton and and bacteria. This will bring about oxidation of DMS into sulfides which act as cloud condensation nuclei. Thereby clouds are formed over the blooms of PI, low clouds that reflect the incoming sunlight. This high energy intercepted by PI forms weather systems and even hurricanes but more on that later. Cosmic rays are very short wave lengths of electromagnetic energy coming from distant galaxies and supernovas. This theory boldly states that an Outer space connection exists between Life on Earth and other galaxies light years away. Not only is there a connection but during any period when the Sun is Quiet, Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR) rain down primarily thorough the poles and energize PI to produce in abundance, also in conjunction with Sunlight of course with lower UV damage to PI. It is during these periods of La Nina that commercial catches of fish are at their peak. Since fish are at the top of the food chain that means PI is in abundance. GCR does more damage to bacteria which would assimilate much of the DMS, than to PI. PI have more defense mechanism to protect from short wave radiation such as MAA (mycosporineamino acid),carotenoids, motility and calcium carbonate skeltons such as coccolithophore. The Northern latitudes benefit the most from this influx of GCR and Quiet Sun. Also coastal regions at this time will experience upwelling and PI production. May the Force be with you!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
The P factor
Deforestation as the major cause of global warming is my hypothesis, i have not come up with all the supporting evidence which would be enormous but I think it makes good sense. The scenario is like this: trees are cut in a forest along a river, exposing the soil, soil erodes and the carbon stock in the soil is released to the atmos and the river, that part goes into the ocean. So there are 2 part s of Carbon atmos and Ocean, plus the lumber and ecosystem loss. Common sense tells me this is a far greater problem than smokestacks. But I dont want to belittle that problem , either but I want to tackle each problem separately. the reason i think deforestation is a greater problem is simply:1. the loss of an ecosystem 2. loss of culture of people 3. loss of resources 4. loss of soil carbon 5. eutrophication of delta and BOD, resulting in siltation, loss of estuary, fishery and ecosystem collapse in domino fashion 6. loss of clouds and world above and within forest 7. change of climate as a result 8. desert or swamp as a result 9. fires, aerosols, brown clouds and melting of snow and ice in arctic and alpine regions 10. water quality and quantity severe 11. epidemics of disease, starvation and WAR . You dont get these consequences from smoke stacks but they have other problems of course. A similar disaster can happen to phytoplankton from all the trash,sewage, toxins, plastic dumped in the Ocean. Phytoplankton produce more Oxygen than all the forests on Earth combined and dolphins and whales are friends live there. Also we eat the fish and mollusks so on. Phytoplankton (P) can use lot of that CO2 dissolved in the Ocean water if healthy. In turn P will provide a base for the food chain as well as regulate the climate. P is the regulator not water or CO2 but those gases will feed P. This is my Maia hypothesis but it is not homeostasis but dependent on sources outside our solar system like cosmic rays. That is the difference. I am inviting you and anyone else on this quest of the universe to discover a new theory of life on planet Earth. Call it the P factor if you will. So over again: P when given sufficient cosmic rays and Sol rays will bloom. Next DMS is produced along with Oxygen which is vital, CO2 is recycled into the benthos and food chain, some is released back to Atmos. Next, A great deal of energy is complexed through many sources (less thermodynamic entropy)....THIS is the primary goal. Limit thermodynamic entropy and resources will be conserved and less heat will be generated. Next CNN created which makes a cloud system--a Climate is made by P! Wind and water currents are concurrent with P, upwelling feeds P. Hurricane paths are changed by P, in fact P can make storms, powerful little guys. Next P climate system depending on coastal or pelagic will move onto land. Next Land processes in turn affect P populations ie dust storms, runoff, smokestack emissions, overfishing, whaling, deforestation. So the CO2 theory has some validity as far as it affects the ecosystems but it is secondary. There are other factors to consider that can not be overlooked. 1. Atomic bomb testing had an enormous effect which is what i was implying for 1945-75. Also the radiation lag time is just catching up now after 50 years form radioactive Cesium. It is in the lagoons and soil of the atolls of the South Pacific and in fact throughout the world. we can only hope that P can overcome this tragedy. It should not be underestimated. This and other nuclear wastes are good reason to ban Nuclear anything. I have accumulated lots of papers on these subject but will post them on my blog.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Towards a new theory: 1. Solar cycle 24, low sunspot number, low solar activity, lower SST, more phytoplankton,more DMS,more CNN,more clouds, more cosmic rays, more ionization 1km above troposphere,more c14 more Be 10>>>>>means less solar radiation on land with more clouds. So a decrease of sunspots is directly related to temperatures on land. SST is figured for pelagic areas of Ocean, currents and winds will distribute heat to land. Coastal areas are affected differently as upwelling currents will cause phytoplankton to increase as cold currents meet warm currents from river basins and land. so these changes will occur seasonally, blooms start in the spring.
Friday, January 21, 2011
1. CO2 follows temperature always, why ...Ocean and land releases Co2 plants grow faster. 2. CO2 is good for plant growth, we need more CO2 to feed the evergrowing population. 3. AWG nuts are malthusian evolutionists. They demand that people stop populating. well maybe not all of yous guys. 4. Plankton in the Ocean and bacteria on land release dimethyl sulfides which causes cloud formations. This cools the Earth as a natural feedback and response to increased solar influx and temperature. 5. Water is the driving force. 2/3rds of the planet is the Ocean. Water moderates the cyclic nature of the Sun. 6. TREES are necessary on land to hold the water necessary for life, bacteria are not sufficient reservoirs. Trees will grow geometrically in response to increased levels of CO2. But if the land is denuded solar radiation will bake the Earth and exhaust the reserves of carbon in the soil as is evident in the tropical soils. 7. Ocean life must also be protected because the plankton regulate the Climate of the Earth. they are like the mitochondria within us, powerhouses of the planet. We should be thankful that the One who breathes forth all beings has given us these wonderful gifts. more in HIKWAPA the Ice Age epic as two young men find a paradise back in time.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
A new look at climate change
1. Is the Climate changing as a result of mankind's activities? 2.Does an increase of CO2 into the atmosphere cause a phenomenon known as global warming?
1. It is possible that climate can be affected in regions of industrial impacts and other activities such as logging, burning and farming. Smog definitely impacts weather in areas where inversions occur. Deforestation and farming on a large scale can lead to desertification, erosion and degradation of water supplies. Burning areas of forest, leaving arable land uncovered can lead to duststorms and brown cloud formations.
2. There is no direct evidence that an accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will lead to runaway global warming effect. Attempts to fudge data to support graphs showing dramatic tropospheric temperature rise vs. carbon dioxide levels have been discredited by the scientific community.
1. It is possible that climate can be affected in regions of industrial impacts and other activities such as logging, burning and farming. Smog definitely impacts weather in areas where inversions occur. Deforestation and farming on a large scale can lead to desertification, erosion and degradation of water supplies. Burning areas of forest, leaving arable land uncovered can lead to duststorms and brown cloud formations.
2. There is no direct evidence that an accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will lead to runaway global warming effect. Attempts to fudge data to support graphs showing dramatic tropospheric temperature rise vs. carbon dioxide levels have been discredited by the scientific community.
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