
goddess of flowers

Friday, December 23, 2011

Two hundred and fifty million years ago a Cosmic Catastrophe occurred that nearly ended all life on planet Earth. An asteroid thirty miles wide struck the Earth near a rift in the crust in present day Antarctica, creating a crater big enough to hold the state of Ohio. This asteroid was five times as wide as the asteroid that made the Chicxulub crater in the Caribbean 65 million years ago and ended the reign of the dinosaurs. Ninety percent of life in the Ocean was exterminated by the tremendous impact and subsequent ruin of the ecosystem. This is known as the Permian-Triassic extinction event. Within a few million years living organisms, so tiny that one thousand could fit across the span of a centimeter, proliferated and changed Life on planet Earth. These are known today as Coccolithophores.

Ancient cyanobacteria (blue green algae) thriving in the the Triassic Ocean trapped the Sun's energy inside thylakoid membranes. Cyanobacteria have been found in fossils dating to 2.8 Billion years ago. A battle of supremacy of the shallow seas was waged for nearly two billion years before the advent of eukaryote algae around 1 billion years ago. The evidence of their victory is in the proliferation of Prochlorococcus, a unicellular cyanobacteria (less than 1 micron size) that lives throughout the euphotic to oxycline depths (150-200 meters) of the Ocean today. For the first time in the history of the Earth, Ocean would be oxygenated to the regions of the deep. But where once victory is achieved competition comes along to snatch the prize. Who would claim dominance over the Earth?

The atmosphere of ancient Earth of the Archean Era 3.8 billion years ago was toxic to animal life, consisting of merely 75% Nitrogen and 15% Carbon dioxide (0.039% today).Vulcan ruled the planet that cooled in the fire of Creation. Volcanoes spewed gases to fill the atmosphere with a toxic brew of hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, methane, carbon monoxide, ammonia, ash, heavy metals and also life giving water but no oxygen. Icy comets may have also shed water passing through the atmosphere. The crust of the Earth solidified and water condensed from the atmosphere to fill the voids of the deep and make an Ocean planet. Ultraviolet and Cosmic Rays bombarded the surface of the Ocean on the planet and dissociated water to create a thin Ozone layer. Primitive prokaryotes developed from the thermal vents, pools and ooze of early Earth. These developed mitochondria to utilize energy from minerals and thyllakoid membranes to capture energy from the intense radiation. Primitive purple sulfur bacteria of this type photosynthesized sugars from hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide but evolved sulfur instead of oxygen in this simplified reaction: 2H2S + CO2 → (CH2O) + H2O + 2S. These creatures ruled the anoxic Earth for another billion years until their upset by the upstart Cyanobacteria.
For it take another billion years that prokaryotes to develop thyllakoid membranes and pigments to capture visible light and photosynthesize sugar from water and carbon dioxide and evolve oxygen. These were the ancestors of tiny marine bacteria like prochlorococcus that provide at least 20 % of the oxygen from the Ocean today. Yet in the Paleoproterozoic Era 2500 million years ago the autotrophic cyanobacteria penetrated only the shallows of the great Ocean. Within a hundred million years oxygen began to accumulate in the Ocean and the atmosphere poisoning the anaerobic bacteria. The sulfur bacteria began their retreat into the depths of the Ocean and inhabited hydrothermal vents , volcanic pools, swamps and marshes where they are found today. Galactic Cosmic rays (GCR) from stars forming and exploding across the universe bombarded the barren rocks of Earth relentlessly. Under these extreme conditions the first bacteria that resemble mitochondria and chloroplasts found in eukaryotes developed. It is thought that the intense GCR flux stimulated the development of new life forms as fullerenes are found in rocks associated with deep sea hydrothermal vents. The cold harsh winds swept the ancient seas against the continental shelves upwelling nutrients which fed colonies of cyanobacteria basking in the Sun. Perhaps the fullerene carbon provided plenty of electromagnetic potential for the new communities. And fullerene is one substance that can be a conduit of intense cosmic rays.

With the advent of cyanobacteria that could photosynthesize sugar and oxygen from water and carbon dioxide, the oxygenation of the seas and atmosphere began. Cyanobacteria transformed the world as the chemobacteria retreated to the depths of the Ocean and the anoxic regions of marshes. Most of the Oxygen evolved was consumed by iron deposits. It would take another two billion years for oxygen levels to reach present levels. This revolution of the cyanobacteria diminished carbon dioxide levels and oxygen peaked to nearly 5 percent. Undoubtedly this hurtled the world into its first Ice Age covering much of the land in glaciers. During these cold times heterotrophic predators were busy feasting on smaller aerobic bacteria and the first organisms with mitochondria appeared. At least the smaller of the two would not have the misfortune of being eaten again but was now in the belly of the beast. This engulfing event was the first primary endosymbiosis in the history of Earth's evolution. Such a being would be classified as a Protist for it would have a cell wall with its own nucleus and mitochondria contained separately in vesicles. It was the harbinger of animals, heterotrophs which prey and engulf other beings.
Within a billion years from origin of the cyanobacteria, eukaryotes with chloroplasts appeared. The first step was the advent of unicellular bacteria with thyllakoid membranes capable of photosynthesis.
For another billion years protists (heterotrophic) attacked cyanobacteria for food energy to supply their mitochondria energy needs. The next stage in evolution occurred when a predatory protist with a mitochondria engulfed a cyanobacteria which became a chloroplast within the new being as the nucleic acids recombined within the nucleus. However the marine bacteria were not digested but lived within trapped and used to gather the Sun's energy as the bacteria had thyllakoids to produce sugars. The larger organisms which hunted them were heterotrophic without the ability to photosynthesize sugars from carbon dioxide and water. But with the algae trapped within their cell walls, the hunter could gain energy from these sugars. Instead of engulfing other organisms and diverting energy to digest them, by trapping an autotroph they would have a photosynthetic engine as well. So this was the beginning of alga which would soon dominate the sea and creep onto land to evolve into plants and animals.
The atmosphere of the Proterozoic era (2500 – 542 Mya) was much more intense than today with Ultraviolet and Cosmic Rays bombarding the surface of the Ocean on the planet. Ultraviolet rays dissociated water into hydrogen and oxygen to provide only 1 to 2 % Oxygen levels. Eukaryotes developed with chloroplasts and nuclei. Green and red alga were abundant in the Ocean. Snowball Earth developed as the globe became glaciated and 70% of life in Ocean died.

Our present eon (Phanerozoic 542 Mya) began with the Cambrian Age and an abundance of multicellular life. With the end of the last Ice Age the Ocean was oxygenated to the seafloor. Animals of most groups appear along with the first animals with shells. The evolution of Coccolithophores was underway in the Ocean, tiny spherical cells only 5-100 micrometers across or about 1000 to 20,000 per centimeter. These are photosynthetic protists that float near the surface of seawater. They are covered with calcium carbonate discs that reflect much of the incident ultraviolet light. Three more mass extinctions occurred in the Ocean as Ice Ages came and went, the first forests appeared and vertebrates appeared on land, mountains rose and eroded. Coccolithophores first appeared in the fossil record 220 Mya in the sediments of copepod ooze on the seafloor. The indomitable tiny creatures survived Ice Ages and the great Permian- Triassic event that killed off 90% of life in the Ocean. A meteor impacting Antarctica left a 300 mile wide crater may have been the cause. Oxygen levels in the atmosphere dropped from from 30 to 12%, Carbon dioxide levels at 2000 ppm.
Haplophyte evolution
A revolution occurred after the Permian-Triassic extinction event. An extraterrestrial code was sent via the stars in the form of cosmic radiation signaling the evolution of new life forms. These galactic cosmic rays with an intense pulsed code devastated life forms not selected for life. A new form of life called Haptophytes had been developing for a billion years or so with protective plates of calcite (calcium carbonate). Calcite is a mineral that is known to polarize light and deflect its course. On the outside of coccolithophores these calcite plates are arranged to form a geodesic dome similar to that found in an even more miniscule world. Coccolithophores are on the order of 6-20 microns in diameter whereas fullerene is only 1 nanometer across. Mathematicians must marvel at the magnitude and scope of these designs. Fullerene is a very rare form of carbon shaped like a geodesic dome or soccer ball. Usually carbon shares only two to four of its bonds with atoms like hydrogen, oxygen or nitrogen. Fullerene shares its bonds with 60 other carbon atoms to form a globe. It is a component of stardust along with the magnetic wavefront of cosmic radiation. A shape such as a geodesic on calcite plates could deflect any radiation from its surface any radiation into the surrounding seawater where hydrogen would saturate the electrical energy. Could it be that the organism had taken in this fullerene in photosynthesis and used it as a template to construct a shell against cosmic radiation? I propose that fullerene is used during the dark reactions of the Calvin cycle when the Sun is down and the organism is respiring and using sugar for energy. This is an example of a unicellular organism achieving a feat of engineering in deflecting GCR at night and Ultraviolet during the day, also transferring that energy to a lower frequency between cells that can be used in photosynthesis. The angles of the plates can explain the deflection and refraction through water will lower the frequency of the radiation.
This was the beginning of a symbiosis between two distinct organisms both of whom would benefit by this unique relationship.
These haptophytes were developed from protists that were predatory on other protists with the organelles of chloroplasts and mitochondria. As was mentioned earlier in the eons of life on Earth, a heterotrophic protist engulfed a cyanobacteria to become a eukaryote, a secondary endosymbiosis. The Haptophyte revolution involved the engulfing of autotrophic protists with added machinery of Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum to make flagella, plates and most important two phases of growth. The haploid phase was larger with plates and lived primarily near the nutrient rich coastlines, free floating lacking mobility. The diploid phase was tiny in comparison without plates and a haptonema used for motility, lived in the open ocean. This tiny phase may resemble the original organism engulfed by a larger predator.

These ancient heterotrophs were covered with calcium carbonate shells to protect them from larger mobile predators such as ancient krill and copepods. These shells also protected the algae from the intense short wave radiation from the Sun and distant stars. Together they are known as Coccolithophores. With calcite discs to reflect Ultraviolet rays they could live near the surface and gather sunlight for photosynthesis. The predatory Zooplankton would be harmed by mutagenic rays from the Sun and distant stars. So zooplankton such as copepods and krill with no such armor to reflect Ultraviolet rays migrated into the depths of the Ocean hundreds of meters until night time. The atmosphere of the early Triassic era moderated with Oxygen climbing to near 20% and Carbon dioxide dropping below 5 % (1000ppm). Coccolithophores diverged into many families and species through succeeding periods of Jurassic, Cretaceous and survived two more mass extinctions to reinvent itself in our age.
But what had caused this evolution, this change, this mutagenesis of the nucleus containing DNA? What was the primary agent that caused this symbiosis to occur? Cyanobacteria did not migrate into Coccolithophoress to go on a vacation. Neither did Coccoliths eat the algae with the intention of having a new friend or boarder. How did it happen? That is a mystery.
We know one thing that causes mutagenesis, the breakage of DNA inside the nucleus of these organisms. GCR (Galactic Cosmic Rays) have been studied for the past hundred years as agents of mutation. GCR are a very high frequency form of Light or Electromagnetic Energy which of course can not be seen. It is thought that GCR originate from exploding stars many light years away from planet Earth. GCR is like a pulsed digital waveform that is pushed by an electromagnetic wave across the universe. Such a pulse can be thought of as a code or a message just as a digital code in electronics. So this Code is sending a message that changes the development of Life on Earth. In fact Plant Physiologists know that different frequencies of Light make plants behave differently like a code.

A few stray Cosmic Rays will probably not affect a change but the probability increases with increased bombardment. Such a term is GCR flux. This flux is impeded by the electromagnetic field of the Sun. As it has a large gravity field due to its size and proximity to Earth,the Sun has a flux of radiation that is propelled toward the Earth in a Solar wind. The Solar flux is cyclical due to its inner dynamo and gravity fields around the Milky Way. The 11 year cycle governs the Sunspot cycle. When the Sun is active and its surface is turbulent,there are many Sunspots and the Solar flux is greater. At this time the Solar wind diverts the GCR away from Earth. Thus GCR flux is less when the Sun is turbulent. When the Sun is quiet there are few Sunspots and more GCR flux reaches the Earth. So at this time mutations are more likely to occur due to GCR mutagenesis. This strong GCR flux will have a dramatic effect on organisms living near the surface of the Ocean. At this intensity GCR will damage the nuclear strands of DNA in unprotected marine viruses, bacteria and zooplankton. To survive these organisms must migrate to depths of hundreds of meters away from the phytoplankton on the surface. GCR arrives at night and to a lesser extent during the day. Predation of the phytoplankton is decreased to a great degree resulting in more blooms of phytoplankton. Delicate cellular material such as DNA stored in the nucleus inside the Coccolithophores are protected by the shells which reflect much of the radiation.
Coccolithophores release DMSP a foul smelling compound that repels to some extent Zooplankton from feeding on them. This organic compound is also an energy source for marine bacteria that use the carbon in DMSP as an energy source. So what repels Zooplankton attracts scavenging heterotrophic bacteria. Next viruses attack the weakened phytoplankton being eaten by Zooplankton. Ehux (Emiliania huxleya), a Coccolith is well known for DMSP production. Marine bacteria convert some of the DMSP into DMS and other methylated compounds for direct use. DMS quickly is released into the air above the surface. The other compounds are used by the bacteria as they cluster near the Ehux colonies. The Ehux are tiny globes that look like little planets floating in the Ocean. With their life cycle ending as Coccolith globes they divide and disperse as even smaller mobile creatures with flagella. This is how they avoid the viruses which cling onto the shells and attack the Coccoliths. Later the haploid Emiliania mate and form new Coccoliths.

The life cycle of Ehux is shortened by the stress of attack by Zooplankton, bacteria and viruses. The haploid form is not protected by the shells of Coccoliths and must mate to form a new generation. When the Sun is turbulent, the Zooplankton have the upper hand and blooms of phytoplankton decrease.
This also means that less DMS and Oxygen is released into the atmosphere, less Carbon is fixed by the Coccoliths. It is thought that DMS released by blooms of phytoplankton is the cause of cloud formation
above the square miles they occupy. Even the course of Hurricanes is changed by these tiny organisms. After all they make the clouds and the climate. There is a direct correlation between low cloud formation and galactic cosmic ray flux. As GCR flux particles are too small to form CCN (Cloud condensation nuclei), this is a possible explanation. Though the correlation may be direct in mathematical terms, in reality it takes a living organism to make the organic chemicals to change the climate. Making clouds will effectively change the circulation patterns of winds thus prevailing easterly winds are lessened. Water vapor is transported to the poles in a pattern by which ice and snow accumulates, this cause the planet to accelerate and the length of day decreases. Global temperatures overall decrease and a wetter climate predominates until the next cycle begins in 30 years.
When the Sun is quiet the winds change in favor of the phytoplankton. Westerly winds predominate with increased Ekman forces as the winds move the surface waters and upwelling of deep minerals occurs. Less Sunspots result in less Solar wind and greater GCR flux. A bombardment of Cosmic Rays lessen the predation cycle of Zooplankton as they move to depths. Without predation on their colonies the Coccolithophores thrive on the surface and spread across the entire Ocean in blooms covering hundreds of square miles.

Blooms of Phytoplankton increase as predation drops, so DMSP production increases. Marine bacteria also have to migrate to depths but some remain hiding behind the shells for protection. These bacteria convert DMSP into DMS which cause more to be released into the atmosphere. So this results in more clouds being formed. GCR also kills viruses so greater flux removes the viral threat from the Coccoliths. As the phytoplankton thrive under these conditions, the food chain is increased for the fish to feed on a larger food pyramid. The dynamics of diurnal migration can explain how the zooplankton continue to feed on the phytoplankton. The phytoplankton initially bloom profusely covering many more hundreds of square miles until their population drops from predation. When the Sun is turbulent and GCR flux is decreased populations never recover from predation long enough for blooms to last long and cover as many square miles as when GCR flux is great. It is a study of Ecology and the dynamics of organisms competing for energy near the surface of the Ocean, the eutrophic zone.
The vital link in the relationship between starlight and climate is twofold. First GCR flux is directly correlated to 60 year cycles of climate and the ACI (atmospheric circulation index).

During a 30 year cycle Zonal circulation is dominant during a period of increased solar activity and auroras. The next 30 year cycle the Sun becomes quiet with increased GCR flux, meridional circulation is dominant. Westerlies become stronger and upwelling occurs due to Ekman forces. More water is evaporated from tropical regions and transported to the poles. Ice and snow accumulate at the poles and this added weight gives inertia to drive the planet into a faster spin decreasing the length of day. The increased wind causes upwelling and phytoplankton migration to coastal areas to bloom in profusion. The question is: how does the process start? Another factor is needed to create the necessary cloud cover over the tropical regions. GCR can not by itself initiate cloud condensation as the dust is too small.

That is where the Gaia Hypothesis provides the answer. The tiny coccolithophores make DMSP which is degraded by bacteria to form DMS. It has been shown that clouds form over blooms of coccolithophores. Not merely clouds but hurricanes have been shown to form and follow the blooms of these phytoplankton. So it is clear that phytoplankton make the climate happen on planet Earth. By their ancient engineering feat of the geodesic plate design, they have used GCR to their advantage. Now clouds formed over the ocean are transported in cycles determined by the cycles of the Sun.
Starlight has been shown to be a code that changes the course of life by exerting evolutionary pressure on organisms and ecosystems.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Global Cooling is Coming

Climate Change is certainly occurring due to the hundreds of Thermonuclear explosions in the Southern Pacific Ocean. The Ecosystem is reacting to new inputs to counter the imbalance to put it mildly. Nature is not ruled by what Physicists and Chemists do in laboratories. Plankton and bacteria are changing the Climate. CO2 does not heat up anything if it did we could use it as a fuel, it is oxidized carbon with little energy to make any sort of change. However CO2 is the best indicator to show the anthropogenic disturbances of Mankind e.g. radiation and pollution. Dissolve Organic Matter from farms, deforestation and development causing soil erosion is the prime ongoing climate factor right now. DOM has lots of energy for marine bacteria to use and upset the Ocean Food Chain. Beware big changes are on the way. It is going to be a long cold winter in the NE USA.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Think progress

The Oyster crash has nothing to do with rising CO2 levels. It is a result of increased turbidity, BOD and Dissolved Organic Matter in estuaries. All the evidence gathered to support the stupid greenhouse effect theory should be directed at the loss of Organic matter and eutrophication in estuaries and river deltas. Acidification is a result of marine bacteria thriving at the expense of plankton.The author should study ecology and forget the pseudoscience of greenhouse global warming. It is like stating the "bible tells me so" for every argument presented about pollution or ecosystem disruption.

Reforest now

What is the value of Organic Matter for Agriculture, Forestry, Home gardens, Residential neighborhoods and Commercial properties? OM is a product of the decomposition of all living matter by living things. If the soil is devoid of life then OM will be lost. Poisoning the soil with pesticides such as soil fumigants and toxic wastes such as petroleum derivatives will destroy the soil ecology. If a soil is healthy with a good quantity of OM, minerals, porous and free of toxic components, it can sustain healthy roots and plants above it. The economics of a Nation depends on a healthy soil to sustain its growth. A politics that does not support this economics will fail to sustain its people.
What happens when communities fail to protect the soil beneath their feet? Suppose the people elect a government that allows unrestricted logging of the forests, damming of rivers, burning of open ground, plantation farming, unregulated industry polluting the land and water, pesticides leaching into the land and water. This has already happened in America and continues to happen now as I write.
All these activities accelerate the loss of a precious resource, the Soil, into rivers into the Sea. Much of the OM is sent to estuaries and river deltas where marine bacteria and diatoms use it in profusion causing eutrophication along with added nitrogen and phosphorus. These are not isolated incidents but a worldwide phenomenon. It is an ecological catastrophe that threatens human life on Earth. You may ask how and why?
Like any ecosystem the Ocean takes time to recycle minerals and Carbon from all the rivers emptying wastes from farms, cities, towns, industries and logging camps. Not only is OM lost from the soil but the OM now goes to feeding marine bacteria in the Ocean. Also the toxins from all this waste kills the plankton but leaves the bacteria undisturbed for the most part. This upsets the balance of the food chain in the Ocean. If this continues to happen the Ocean will no longer be able to sustain a healthy fish population as the food pyramid will crash. Ultimately even the plankton population will fail to produce oxygen as the Ocean becomes anoxic. Guess what happens to those living at the top?
You can believe all the nonsense financed by Banks and Big Business that CO2 gas in the atmosphere is the cause of Climate disruption but it is a Big Lie to cover up the truth. No amount of “Green energy” projects and technology will solve the Human problem of overpopulation and industrialization without conserving wildlife, wilderness, and forests. Salmon don't give a damn about solar panels or alga farms, they want wild rivers to swim up without dams in the way. If you cut down the forests and kill all the wolves, bears, cougars, and every other creature that you would label a varmit, you will damn your generation to hell on Earth. Technology can help if it does not mine the very wilderness it proposes to save.

Economics of Conservation

There are libraries of work devoted to the ethics of conservation and the problem of resolving economic value to the conservation of natural resources. The key to solving the economics of conservation is the discovery of the value of organic matter in the soil. First of all how does organic matter come to exist in a soil? Organic matter in the form of humus originates by the action of bacteria, mold and the respiration of plants above the soil. If plants are removed from above the soil then the soil will become oxidized and the organic matter will be easily leached by rain. Organic matter exists by an ecological process with a balance between air and water in the soil profile. In a forest mycorrhizae colonize within the organic matter and roots of trees. This symbiosis of fungus and trees is necessary for any substantial growth of the forest. If the trees are removed, the soil is laid bare thus tipping the balance toward oxidation and leaching of the OM into consequent streams then rivers into the Ocean. In any given scenario whereby large tracts of land are denuded by fire, farming, logging or development, OM will be lost from the soil.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Maia Theory proof is at hand

With the research being done at
It has been shown that jellyfish are consuming DOM and shunting carbon away from phytoplankton and fish toward bacteria. The surge in population of jellyfish refutes the CO2 theory in favor of the DOM theory since jellyfish do not take in CO2 but DOM. This will result in less food at the top of the food chain and more bacteria at the bottom. Of course this does not bode well for fish and top predators like humans.

The folly of Prometheus

Only thing closed is the minds of NSF. Marine biologists sift for plankton from the sea but the tiny bacteria goes through the sieve. The Black market economy of the sea is using dissolved organic matter not CO2 as an energy source. That is what is changing the Climate. Stupid physicists and chemists are buried in texts and lab experiments and the biologists think nothing but CO2 gas. Look at DOM and the case is clear. If all energy needs were met by Windfarms, Solar collectors and Alga farms, the trees would still be cut down, farmers would still plow the soil, rivers would still rush the soil to the Ocean, people would overpopulate, bacteria would take over the Ocean and the phytoplankton would fail to make Oxygen. A Carbon tax on the Corporations would be good only if it supports Reforestation to stem the loss of Carbon in the soil. Trees hold the soil in place so they hold water and Organic matter. They hold Life itself. Protect the watersheds and the wildlife that lives within. If we fail to do this we will become extinct. That is why the gods were furious at Prometheus to begin with.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Basic tenet of the Maia Theory

GCR (Galactic Cosmic Rays) are the main factors in Climate Change. The GCR flux will increase at times of low sunspot numbers which occurs in cycles. GCR will definitely have a detrimental impact on plankton within the photic zone of the ocean causing bacteria and zooplankton to migrate to depths away from the surface. Phytoplankton protected by calcium shells like Coccolithophores can stay near the surface and be unmolested by zooplankton grazers, this applies day and night. DMSP grazers such as synechcoccus which are known to be the majority feeders of DMSP, will be absent. Therefore with less DMSP being shunted to bacteria more will be vented to the Atmos. Thus there will be more nuclei for cloud condensation and cooling will result. Roseobacter will still be able to transform DMSP to DMS since it is in close contact with E. huxleyi shells. So DMS production will soar and Cooling will result during high GCR flux.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Think Progress

IPCC Scientists are stuck on the idea that since a chemist was awarded the Nobel prize 100 years ago for an experiment on greenhouse gases, they are never going to doubt his results for planet Earth. First of all, the atmosphere of earth is not a chemistry lab. 2nd. CO2 is the final stage of carbon in its oxidation state meaning that it has little energy to change anything. 3rd. It takes the miracle(cant be duplicated by science) of photosynthesis to convert CO2 + H2O to sugars. 4th Take all the evidence gathered to support the CO2 greenhouse theory and apply it to Organic Carbon compounds and you have a useful theory. Humus has many H bonds and plenty of energy to supply marine bacteria. 5th Just think about what happens when water is polluted with sewage (organic carbon mostly), the BOD is increased and the fish die from Oxygen deprivation. 6th CO2 is a minor problem compared to the loss of soil from farms and deforestation causing leaching of soil into the Ocean. 7th Of course S&P are going to Downgrade the national governments who do not cooperate with the Carbon tax. They profit nothing from Conservation of natural resources like the Soil. What they want is for the People to pay taxes on the use of fossil fuels. They believe that is a step in population control but they are dead wrong. 8th Reforestation is the solution. Fossil Fuel Corporations should be taxed to pay for Reforestation.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Testing of the Maia Hypothesis

Testing of the Maia Hypothesis
Testing will be done in steps to verify by links to scientific research and accepted by the modern scientific community.
1. Statement of hypothesis: GCR (Galactic Cosmic Rays) are the prime agent of Climate Change and Evolution of species on Earth.
2. Above statement will now be examined by following steps of Logic and Reason.
3. Basis of Life on Earth: The utilization of Solar Energy by biological organisms to produce complex carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins: to use the Solar Energy by means of photosynthesis or chemosynthesis to produce sugars as a means of cellular respiration.
4. Mammals such as Humans are dependent on autotrophs (plants and phytoplankton) to produce Oxygen to breathe, food to eat and a myriad of other essential products. Humans cannot live on Earth without a healthy ecosystem with autotrophs at the base of the ecosystem.
5. Photosynthesis by autotrophs produces sugars and Oxygen as well as other products from Carbon dioxide and Water vapor in the atmosphere, water or aqueous medium in the soil.
6. Heterotrophs such as bacteria use a Carbon source such as long chain Carbon in organic matter (humus, dead plant and animals) and Oxygen or a metal to produce Carbon dioxide and water.
7. The Sun is the prime source of Energy for planet Earth and the intensity of this energy is somewhat constant. The variation in the solar flux has not been demonstrated to account for direct changes in the climate of the Earth.
8. The Sun varies in the production of Sunspots through cycles. The Solar wind is far greater at periods of high Sunspot numbers.
9. During periods of low Sunspot number, the solar wind is minimal allowing GCR to penetrate and maximize its flux upon planet Earth.
10. GCR has profound effect upon living organisms. GCR at high levels cause mutations and death in organisms. Organisms such as marine bacteria and zooplankton adjust to high levels of GCR by migrating deeper into the Ocean away from the surface.
11. Phytoplankton that are protected by a calcium or silicon shell are protected from the damaging effects of GCR. Thus diatoms and coccolithophores can stay near the surface and gather solar energy for maximum reproduction potential (Blooms).
12. Phytoplankton have been shown to produce DMS at high levels during these blooms of reproduction. DMS is a prime agent in the production of aerosols for cloud formation over the Ocean.
13. Clouds composed mostly of water vapor from aerosol nuclei are the most important cooling factors in the climate system. Trees also produce aerosols for cloud nuclei. So clouds are formed above forests as well as alga blooms.
14. A disruption of this ecological process will result in climate change and warming as the clouds will disappear.
15. Removal of forests will result in oxidation of carbon in the soil, leaching of soil organic matter into the Ocean, heating up of planet surface, disappearance of clouds over land, wholesale destruction of ecosystem as the base is removed.
16. Leaching of Carbon in the form of organic matter into the Ocean will cause an imbalance in the ecosystem favoring the marine bacteria. The chemistry of the Ocean will change as it does in the rivers as the BOD (biological oxygen demand) will increase as Oxygen is depleted by organic matter added and bacteria thrive in the mutated environment.
17. Pollutants such as nitrogenous and phosphoric wastes, heavy metals, trash, oil spills, pesticides, industrial chemicals and nuclear radiation impede the growth of phytoplankton in the Ocean.
18. Mankind cannot alter the Sunspot cycle but Mankind can restore the Forests and maintain the Ocean waters pristine for the plankton.
19. The problems of Climate Change lie not in the excess Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere but the Loss of Carbon in the form of Organic matter from the soil and the vegetation upon the surface of the Earth.
20. The problems of Pollution lie not in the excess Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere but in the discharges of toxins into the environment. Power plants: aerosols, soot, ash, heavy metals; Industrial plants: heavy metals, various chemicals, sewage; Residential: sewage, pesticides; Factory farms: pesticides, leaching of soil; Nuclear plants: radiation leaks, heated water; these are but a few of the problems civilization faces everyday.
21. This imbalance of Carbon from the soil into the water will cause the heterotrophic bacteria to be established as the base of the ecosystem and replacing the autotrophs. As the decomposers take over the planet the Earth will no longer support Mammalian life forms such as humans.
22. The impetus for Life on planet Earth arises from outside the Solar system in distant galaxies. GCR come from regions light years away from Earth. GCR have by far more intense and greater amount of flux of cosmic rays than our nearby star, the Sun. This radiation has been proven to cause life changing mutations in the genetic code of living organisms. These mutations and organisms adapting to GCR flux is the mechanism by which life forms adapt to changes in the environment.
23. Mankind cannot alter the GCR flux to planet Earth. Mankind can allow the plants and phytoplankton to thrive by restoring the environment.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Globalist today

The remarks made here about CO2 are based on assumptions and not direct observations. The correlation between rising CO2 concentrations and rising temperature in the atmosphere has not been proven. There is no reason to believe CO2 can cause any appreciable warming of the atmosphere. However CO2 is the best indicator of pollution and Carbon loss from the soil. This loss of carbon in the form of organic matter is the cause of Climate change not the rising CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. This loss of Carbon occurs from Deforestation, denuding of the land, oxidation of Carbon stock in soil, leaching of Carbon into rivers to the Ocean. In the Ocean the excess Carbon disrupts the ecological balance favoring the bacteria over the phytoplankton. In short the ecosystem of the planet is disrupted by decreasing Carbon in the soil and increasing Carbon organic matter in the Ocean. Trees and Phytoplankton make Oxygen by photosynthesis and clouds by aerosol production. When these processes are disrupted the Cooling Processes are lessened greatly. In order to preserve the Ecosystem, Reforestation is the main priority and also keeping the Ocean pristine for maximum Phytoplankton production.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Are WE not forgetting the HETEROTROPHIC bacteria in the soil and Ocean that emit so much CO2? Should not WE tax these tiny creatures who pose a threat to life on Earth by spewing so much toxic CO2 into OUR clean air? They also steal energy from the Phytoplankton in the Ocean which make Oxygen to breathe. These gangsters are the Black Market economy of the Ocean. I say it is time that the EPA set up a task force like the FBI to round up these little devils and stop them from any further discharges. WE do not need anymore toxic gas going into the air and causing the Earth to overheat until it gets so damn hot you could fry an egg on the pavement. The same is true of the Mafia and their money laundering amongst us Humans. They feed off the proletariat workers taking their Union dues, skimming their wages and mismanaging Green projects. The “dangerous class”, the social scum, that passively rotting mass thrown off by the lowest layers of the old society, may, here and there, be swept into the movement by a proletarian revolution; its conditions of life, however, prepare it far more for the part of a bribed tool of reactionary intrigue. Yes my friend We must put an end to this waste. If the Revolution is to succeed WE must make sacrifices on the altar of Communism. The Free market economy allows such crazy notions like Creativity and Imagination in the individual. This is the very source of the bourgeois society with their Avant Garde snobbery and consumer excesses. Its like those Peacocks and Birds of Paradise that always want to show off their feathers. NO let us not behave so shamelessly for We are like ANTS who are very efficient and get the work done without complaint while the lazy grasshoppers try to steal from Our cache.
Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.
On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie. But this state of things finds its complement in the practical absence of the family among the proletarians, and in public prostitution. Yes my friend We have entered a NEW AGE where there is no longer a need for useless family structure and all those relatives who bother you about the family tree. I say cut off the Branch!Only then can We be freed of the yoke of the oppressor. But We must start at the bottom and work Our way up to the top. First we eliminate the heterotrophic bacteria We must tackle them before WE can take on the bullies at the top like Don Trump, Don Cardinale or Don Juan who would want to steal your wife when you are out working. Let us not forget El Lechero, the Milkman, is it not he that started this trouble in the first place? that enterprising upstart going from town to town selling milk to wives when there husbands are out working. Soon whole towns are full of little Lecheros. OH MY GOD! Whoops, sorry forgot he doesn't exist. But why does that star twinkle, DAD?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ancient Symbiosis

Emiliania, like most other phytoplankton, are autotrophic. They produce their own energy through oxygenic photosynthesis. Their photosynthetic organells are chloroplasts derived through "secondary endosymbiosis," that is, ancestral engulfment of an alga that already contained a chloroplast derived from a cyanobacterial ancestor. This is what I am referring to. 200 Million years ago cyanobacteria formed this symbiosis. E. hux became prevalent about 250,000 years ago in Quaternary Sea. The Coccoliths evolved at a time when Carbon dioxide was very high in the atmosphere and the Mg/Ca ratio was high as well. So it is a mystery as to how and why they came about under these conditions. I never said E. hux was a cyanobacteria but a symbiotic partner with a host. They do form symbiotic relationships with Coccolithophores.

Underwater Times This article explains the role of Roseobacter but does not reveal its name. It has already been discovered that R. nitroficans feeds off DMS from E. hux as a Carbon energy source. Now a further step needs to be taken to see how R. nitroficans reacts to GCR. I bet it will migrate into deeper water for protection from the high frequency GCR. It does not have the added protection of the Coccolithophore. So if you are smart you will see the outcome. DMS produced by E. hux during the day. High GCR at low sunspot cycle, Roseobacter migrates away, more DMS for cloud production, more Cooling. Very simple theory and every step is backed up by solid scientific research. Skeptics will need verification of GCR effects on Roseobacter but that is obvious. Still the work must be done.
Actually I am a scientist and a past member of the Oregon Society of Soil Scientists, I have earned over 100 credits in science. I have links from scientific research papers to show all the evidence. Its is ecology meets astrophysics. There are experiments being conducted as I write that will confirm what I say about Galactic Cosmic rays. Just let me know if you want to be in the discovery of a lifetime. You have not declared yourself to me as a scientist of any kind except to say you were on a boat. Darwin was on the Beagle and that is where he came to some brilliant revelations. As for the matches between your vague references about greenhouse gases (a bad term) and CO2, you should clarify as a scientist. There is always going to be Climate Change especially when you explode hundreds of thermonuclear bombs and that is where the big coverup lies. Also CO2 always follows the warming, it does not cause warming, deforestation and ecological disruption causes warming. CO2 is released by dying organisms and upwelling from the Ocean after the warming. If land is denuded it will warm up and CO2 will be released. But if you lack common sense you should not be involved in science. Here is the info you asked about Coccolithophore:Coccoliths are individual plates of calcium carbonate formed by coccolithophores (single-celled algae such as Emiliania huxleyi) which are arranged around them in a coccosphere. Now to answer your question about acidification of the Ocean. When the cyanobateria (blue green alga) dies it descends to the depths to be recycled by bacteria if not eaten by zooplankton. The calcium shell neutralizes the acid effect of CO2. here is a link on the symbiosis of ancient times:
To disregard the process of photosynthesis of this prominent organism and many others like it in the Ocean is folly. It is the foundation upon which rests the Ecosystem and Biodiversity of the Ocean food web from which depends zooplankton from krill to Whales. Also since the Ocean covers 2/3rds of the planet it is reasonable to assume that it supplies at least an equal proportion of the Oxygen and Carbon recycling. That is where my theory of galactic Cosmic rays comes in,it is well known among commercial fisherman that the best catches occur during periods of low sunspot numbers. But even this cycle was interrupted by the blasts that occurred in the Ocean. I have a lot more information linked to scientific research on all parameters of this subject. My theory is similar to the Gaia theory but it diverges in one important respect: I do not assign any mythological aspect to the planet as a goddess. Also the most important stimulant for Climate Change does not exist on this planet or even the Solar system but lightyears away. I acknowledge of course that Mankind is certainly an agent of Climate change and usually for the worse, that is why I study ecology. But Mankind is only a temporary disturbance, there has and always will be Climate change on this planet with or without Mankind. It is the nature of the Cosmos.
Actually Emiliana huxleyi (one example)is doing quite well as can be seen from recent NASA satellite photos. As more CO2 is available and in areas of upwelling blooms are taking place. One major factor in these occurrences is a low Sunspot number. Galactic Cosmic Ray flux is higher now as a result, which comes to my theory. First of all the disturbance of the Climate for the last 60 years is due to explosions of Thermonuclear blasts in the Ocean which destroyed ecosystems and biodiversity. This should be obvious unless you are just plain blind to the facts. Phytoplankton the base of the food web was wasted and Marine bacteria(such as Roseobacter class) took its place recycling Carbon but producing no Oxygen or DMS. It has taken years for the phytoplankton to recover. Anymore explosions, nuclear waste or oil spills could set back this delicate process of Life. Here is my theory: GCR (which comes from Outer Space) has a negative impact on bacteria in the trophic zone of the Ocean causing them to migrate or die. Also Zooplankton such as Krill and Copepods will be damaged by the high frequencies. Cyanobacteria protected by the calcium shells are free to float near the surface and not molested by bacteria and zooplankton at this time of High GCR flux will bloom in large swirls in the Ocean. This is an ancient partnership that is a symbiosis at least a hundred million years old. It is the basis of our Oxygen atmosphere we breathe today. It is the GCR impact on our world that has mutated a life form and caused a beautiful thing to happen as these marvelous little globes float near the surface of the Sea. Coccolithophores take in the Carbon dioxide and make sugars and water in the process of photosynthesis. They also produce DMS to deter Zooplankton and which the bacteria feed on as a Carbon source. Of course the phytoplankton need sunlight and stay near the surface to get rays, the Sun also emits plenty of harmful UV and even cosmic ray frequencies. So most of the feeding occurs at night however much less occurs at high GCR flux. Because there is less Solar wind with a low Sunspot number the Galactic Cosmic rays enter the atmosphere. DMS aerosols have been shown to be in higher concentrations of clouds above phytoplankton blooms than elsewhere. The phytoplankton not only produce Oxygen and water but make clouds and even change the course of hurricanes which feed off their Energy. It is the little things that matter. So let us protect these precious creatures. They make life possible for the Whales and Us too.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tunguska Event

Shaidurov explains that the levels of carbon dioxide and methane, the other two greenhouse gases are not the cause behind global warming but the effect of global warming. That this might be so has long been speculated, because global warming seems to have preceded the increase in carbon dioxide and methane. But Shaidurov also explains the mechanism:

"The point is that the average increase of land and ocean temperature produces higher average absolute humidity. In its turn, this raises the assimilation ability of the atmosphere even at constant content of carbon dioxide. But increasing the average ocean temperature is responsible for lower water solubility of carbon dioxide, which then arrives in the atmosphere. Moreover, increase in land temperature is responsible for growth of bogs, at least in Northern Russia, due to the removal of permafrost deep down. The rise in area and activity of bogs leads to more active production of methane. Thus, a self-stimulated process was launched for the increase of average temperature of the Earth's surface. Therefore the rise of greenhouse gas concentration is more a consequence of warming but not a main reason."

Therefore, there exists a positive feedback mechanism at work: the Tunguska Event has changed the distribution of water vapors and ice crystals in the atmosphere (the nature of the clouds) and has started the global warming; global warming produces an increase in the levels of the other greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane, and these in turn also contribute to the increase in global warming. However, the CO2 and the methane are negligible compared to the water vapors. A rise of just 1% of water vapor could raise the global average temperature of Earth's surface more then 4 degrees Celsius.

As Andrew E. Dessler of the Texas A & M University writes in 'The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change': "Human activities do not control all greenhouse gases, however. The most powerful greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is water vapour. Human activities have little direct control over its atmospheric abundance, which is controlled instead by the worldwide balance between evaporation from the oceans and precipitation."

Letter to Oceanus

What I was looking for is research into how Galactic Cosmic Rays may effect the growth and migration of heterotrophic marine bacteria such as Roseobacter class. I have a hunch that if GCR rate is high, this will have a negative effect on the bacteria causing them to migrate away from the surface of the Ocean into the depths. At the same time the Cyanobacteria protected within the calcium shells of the diatoms will not have its DMS products stolen by the bacteria and will reproduce at a much faster rate resulting in blooms. Also the Zooplankton will migrate away from a higher GCR rate so there will be less feeding on Phytoplankton. Altogether my theory states that a higher GCR will result in Phytoplankton blooms and a Cooler planet as a result. But I can not verify this theory without field work that would need to be done, such as quantifying populations of marine bacteria at different times of the day, diurnal migrations, comparisons with populations for different rates of GCR coinciding with Solar activity. I have not been able to find any scientific work done on the GCR effects on bacteria growth. It makes sense that high frequency waves will cause mutations and cell damage to bacteria outside of a calcium shell. I believe this is the key to Climate on planet Earth.
The real danger that you and most people overlook are the consequences of hundreds of Thermonuclear bombs exploded in the Ocean form the fifties to 1996. This series of events changed the Climate and destroyed many ecocsystems in the Ocean destroying the diversity. It is the phytoplankton in the Ocean that determine life on Earth more so than anything on land. Only recently has the phytoplankton begun to recover and if unmolested by oil spills and further nuclear waste, we may survive. CO2 will only let phytoplankton grow faster. You have been duped. The guilty ones have got one over on you. Even now they say nuclear war can Cool the planet. At first it may Cool the planet but with the phytoplankton gone the bacteria will take over and it will go back to the PreCambrian age. These NUKE people are very clever.
I have a candidate called the Cosmic Ray Guy. He is really Cool and he is from Outerspace. Every night he attacks Earth and kills lots of Earthlings with his deadly rays. He shoots a gun with a very high frequency blast. He laughs because he knows you cant shoot back because he is lightyears away. So when its dark and the Sun is quiet he kills billions of bacteria near the surface of the Ocean. But the cyanobacteria in the diatoms are safe even during the day when the Sun is shining. They are protected by the calcium shell of the diatoms floating in the Sea basking in the rays of the Sun. They like Cosmic Ray Guy because he scares away the bacteria which feed off their energy source. Even the Zooplankton have to descend further away when Cosmic Ray guy is around. So the phytoplankton love him and bloom big swirls in the Ocean whenever he is around. That is what makes the world COOL.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Just what are you researching smarty pants? The evidence I'd say is going through your sieve? What do you think a Thermonuclear blast would do to an ecosystem in the Ocean? Seem like you are forgetting some vital facts. Guys like you are like McClellen at the battle of Richmond,its right there in front of you but you can't see it. Maybe its too tiny you need a microscope. Clue they live from top to bottom and are called the "black market economy" of the Ocean. Its not my ego at all but my inquisitive mind, I abhor consensus. My gift to you today: just look at the relationship between marine bacteria and galactic cosmic rays, diurnal & seasonal migration, diatoms, phytoplankton blooms during periods of record catches of fish, there is a lot more if you are curious.What is your theory? Every scientist has one of his own.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bombs dont help any

Did I fail to mention that exploding thermonuclear bombs in the Pacific Ocean just might have consequences for life on the planet. This might be a cause behind why so many people seek refuge in drugs, sex, food, entertainment, anything to divert their attention from the world coming to an end. The explosion of these Weapons of Mass Destruction has resulted in the ecosystem of the world Ocean being nearly destroyed. The population of diatoms plummeted after the detonations and the bacteria population took its place altering the chemistry and food chain of life itself. Fish populations also plummeted as a result at a time when food supplies are need for a growing human population. Only in the past few years have the diatoms made a surprising comeback as a result of the Sun going quiet. We can not afford to make any more insane mistakes with our planet. Those responsible should be arrested as War Criminals. The present World Government wants to divert the attention from this tremendous assault upon the ecosystem of the planet. There is nothing to compare to the hundreds of Thermonuclear bombs that were unleashed since the madmen of the Atomic Age gained power. They are the Enemy of Humans and life of any kind besides bacteria, ants, scorpions, cockroaches,viruses etc. But that is the point, we at the top will suffer the most if we do not arrest and purge these vipers from the face of the Earth.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Global Cooling

Global Cooling is occurring since the blooms are earlier. This phenomenon has nothing to do with CO2 concentrations but the recovery of the plankton populations after decades of atomic weapon testing. if there are no further tests or oil spills than the fish stocks will also recover. It is obvious that if you destroy the phytoplankton by bombing than the bacteria will take over and suppress the phytoplankton. It takes a long time to recover. if it had not happened the ocean would die and we would go back to precambrian times with little Oxygen to breathe and water would also evaporate leaving a Martian landscape.
Actually the phytoplankton bloom has a lot more to do with cosmic ray flux which is greater in the arctic regions and at this time with low sunspot numbers. A greater cosmic ray flux is devastating to zooplankton which have no calcium carbonate shell to protect against the short wave radiation. So they migrate downward as the phytoplankton go upward in their diatom shells and the population booms. At night the zooplankton feed but the bacteria population is also down so more DMS that is released from feeding escapes to the atmos to form clouds and thus the Cooling commences. that is it in a nutshell, of course the full explanation is much more complex which includes cavitation, ecology, water temperatures, seasonal variations, currents etc.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Big Lie

YES one big lie is about how Carbon dioxide acts like a heat pump to continually heat up the gases of the atmosphere like a perpetual motion machine. CO2 becomes saturated with IR radiation then emits at a LOWER frequency. For every collision that heat is exchanged the frequency is lowered greatly so the heat is lost to space. The "concentration of CO2 in layers" does not keep retaining heat but loses it quickly in a ratio of 400/ 10000. No heat is gained from O2 or N2. Every collision CO2 has with other gases, heat is exchanged and the IR frequency is lowered as a result. That is a simple law of the conservation of energy. IR frequency is lowered so it travels less and has much less energy to heat any other gas. It quickly dissipates. The Ecosystems are not threatened by rising CO2 levels, these systems are disturbed by pollutions, loss of habitat, population rise, deforestation and consequent dessication, declining water quality. All these issues are for the most part ignored by the media. The media is concerned about the latest fashion and technology with high hopes that some great breakthrough will arrive for Clean energy to emerge. It is here already for the past one hundred million years. Diatoms in the world's Ocean have forged an alliance with cyanobacteria eons ago to give us Oxygen to breathe. Spectacular blooms of phytoplankton cover many square miles that feed zooplankton and provide the base of a food chain for fish and whales of the deep. Calcium carbonate skeletons protect the phytoplankton symbiotic pair from intense cosmic rays so they can bathe in the photic zone. This gives them an advantage over their predators and bacteria which lack the hard reflective shells. Coccolithophores look like miniature globes floating in the universe of the Ocean. Should we not protect these tiny wonders that make life possible for us to breathe, swim in her water and eat of her bounty. Tiny things like cosmic rays and coccolithophores are easily overlooked and do not make headlines.

Blue Whales SoCal

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Galactic Cosmic Ray guy beats up Bacteria

I have a new theory as yet untested that states that Galactic Cosmic Rays deter bacteria in the upper layers of the Ocean causing them to migrate to deeper waters during a Solar minimum and thereby increase Phytoplankton production. This results in more Cloud production, Cooler Climate, more zooplankton, more fish. The important link is between GCR and bacteria. Bacteria in the Ocean congregate near phytoplankton to assimilate dimethyl sulfide, taking nearly all the product before it can be released into the atmosphere. When the phytoplankton are eaten by zooplankton they release dimethyl sulfide into the sea water to reduce predation, then bacteria congregate. When the Sun is quiet, bacteria are exposed to GCR and their populations are greatly reduced. Coccolithophores with their calcium carbonate shells are protected and thrive in the upper layers where there is more sunlight, populations skyrocket. This results in the food chain multiplying and fish catches peaking. Also the dimethyl sulfide is released into the atmosphere at maximum concentrations resulting in cloud formations and a COOL Climate. So thank COOL Cosmic Ray Guy, he beats up Bacteria so Plankton is happy and then there are lots of Crabby Patties.

Global Warming, Fish & Sunspots part 2

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Clouds cool the planet

Temperature is a function of the radiation of the Sun incident upon the surface of the planet. Temperature is higher at the equator because of the direct inclination of the planet to sunlight. Temperature will drive relative humidity but clouds require condensation nuclei to form. Forests and phytoplankton that cover many square miles on the planet’s surface intercept the sunlight. In response to the high intensity of radiation, sulfur aerosols are released by the plants to reduce the albedo and protect the plants from Ultraviolet through cosmic rays. If the coverage of plants are reduced then the cloud cover will be reduced and more infrared will be intercepted by carbon dioxide since clouds are missing. So how does the climate change as a result of mankind’s activities? Deforestation and polluting of the ocean can definitely result in heating up the land masses by lessening the cloud cover. Adding more anthropogenic sulfur dioxide and other pollutants certainly is not the answer to cooling. Adding more carbon dioxide will not in itself raise global temperature but it is the best indicator to show mankind’s footprint, pollution and devastation of ecosystems around the globe. A turbulent Sun will protect us from galactic cosmic rays but will had harmful solar cosmic rays and ultraviolet rays. The best way to protect ourselves and conserve resources is Reforestation and Ocean protection. Protect those tiny plankton that produce more oxygen and clouds than all the forests of the world combined. Again tiny organisms like voters stand together to protect the planet from cosmic rays. Before plants evolved these organisms with calcium carbonate shells took in alga to form a symbiotic relationship and forge a dynasty that lasts to this day. Together they form a union , one protects the alga from harmful radiation, the alga photosynthesizes the Sun’s energy to make sugar. Together they produce dimethyl sulfide after lysis by zooplankton. This compound is the primary nuclei for cloud formation. Bacteria assimilate most of this compound, especially when phytoplankton are weak from strong UV radiation.
When the Sun is Quiet during times of low sunspots, more cosmic rays penetrate to the Ocean surface. These are more damaging to bacterial populations than to phytoplankton so their numbers skyrocket, more food for zooplankton and fish. Also with far less bacteria to assimilate DMS, more is released to the atmosphere and more clouds are formed. Much of the theory can be credited to Lovelock and many others besides but I differ in how the planet is regulated. Lovelock thinks the planet is self regulating but I think there is much evidence for regulation from outside the planet, namely the Sun and galactic cosmic rays from supernovas. This is important because it implies the origin of life itself and how it evolved or was created. Creation implies an event from which all things come forth. Evolution implies a continual creation of forms from an unknown origin. It is your point of view but at some point the forms of life change and adapt to adverse factors such as cosmic rays.

Neil degrasse Tyson Ingredients for Life: Carbon

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mankind's legacy for a thousand years

Why does atmospheric levels of Carbon dioxide lag behind atmospheric lower troposphere temperature over the past 400,000 years? Consider the Carbon cycle and the Solar cycles, therein lies a link with the life processes of the planet. The climate is definitely warming with a sharp rise about 1910. Is it rising because of recent inputs of CO2 to the atmosphere? If Co2 lags temp rise I can not see a direct cause. But it does seem clear that CO2 is an indicator of pollution and anthropogenic climate change. Its rise along with temp can only be caused by man’s intervention into the ecosystem. If you look at the past century and the last 10,000 years you will discover the pattern. Between warming and cooling peaks and troughs, there is about 800 years. So this indicates soil carbon loss to the atmosphere where it precipitates with rainfall after less than a hundred years and the Ocean where it is stored for hundreds of years. You could interpret this as an explanation for carbon dioxide as a driver but there is another explanation. Carbon loss from the soil means that mankind has done something drastic to alter the environment. This would usually entail the downfall of civilization as resources are in short supply. In terms of the environment the loss of carbon from the soil indicates that deforestation is the cause with desertification following. What happens when a vast tract of forest is cut down to support the building of cities and ships? The ground is bare of most vegetation and heterotrphic bacteria eat the remaining carbon in the soil. The soil is then oxidized by the action of the Sun’s radiation creating oxisols. What does this do to the temperature over the land? Without the cover of forests and clouds, temperatures soar during the day like in a desert from the Equator to mid latitudes where mankind lives. Carbon dioxide and water vapor rise from the bare ground at an increasing rate as the temperature rises. This continues until the soil is exhausted of carbon from the top few inches and the soil is oxidized and infertile. So Carbon dioxide does not cause the temperature rise. It is caused by the denuding of the soil by mankind’s intervention. Why is there a sharp rise in temperature in the past 100 years? Is it because of industrial pollution from the use of fossil fuels? Again there will be a lag phase of hundreds of years between carbon dioxide levels and temperature rise. There can certainly be regional effects such as smog and inversions creating heat islands but overall most of the carbon dioxide and water vapor will escape into the atmosphere and streams to the Ocean. Most of the heat in the gas will escape into outer space but some will heat up clouds in the troposphere. The majority of the heat from carbon loss will be stored in the Ocean or dissipate on the surface depending on sea surface temperatures, phytoplankton populations, wind currents etc. So why was there a sharp rise around the turn from the 19th to the 20th century? I would go back in time 800 to 1000 years and look at what mankind was doing then. What we do today will affect people 800 years from now.


Carbon dioxide levels ALWAYS lag behind temperature rise

Carbon dioxide levels always lag behind global temperature rise and sometimes by as much as 800 years. That proves Co2 can not be the cause. It looks very good on the graph until you see the correlation is not direct. There is another factor which is the Ocean, it covers 2/3rds of the planet. It stores Carbon and Oxygen as well as other elements in a richer isotope ratios because C3 photosynthesis favors more C12 evaporating into the Atmos. The detritus of plankton and fish fall to the Ocean depths where it is not recycled for some 400 years. Plankton and mollusks make calcium carbonate shells that adjust the pH of the sea in proportion to the carbon dioxide dissolved in the surface of the water. This balance is dependent upon the health of the plankton. So eutrophication, toxins, oil spills and plastic debris will adversely affect phytoplankton health with disastrous results for the food chain. Let us not forget that over 2000 atomic bombs were detonated between 1945 and 1980 with consequent hole in the Ozone over the Arctic.Needless to say ecosystems in the South Pacific are now poisoned for hundreds of thousands of years. Maybe this can account for some heat and radioactivity. Maybe just a little bit I think. Also the Tunguska event over Siberia was a near miss of the planet that was equivalent to 1000 Hiroshima bombs exploding. The temperature spiked right after and kept going until 1940. No Co2 is not the problem. We need to have Nuclear disarmament before we are all wasted. CO2 is never going to kill us until after the planet is wasted by Nuclear War. Then there will be no more Trees and the air will be toxic to breathe. Let us teach our children well. The Sun has been strong and diverted much of the Galactic Cosmic rays that would otherwise come through the Ozone hole but now it is Quiet. The Solar magnetic flux doubled by a factor of 2 since 1908. So we have more heat but less damaging cosmic rays which can mutate genes and cause cancer. The Ozone hole has closed somewhat. Let's keep it that way. get rid of the atom bombs and smokestacks that emit smog and soot. Plant Trees that will provide more Oxygen and Water, homes for birds, shade, high carbon soil, streams, snow on the mountain, fresh spring water in the river deltas and healthy phytoplankton for seafood we eat. It is a cycle that we are part of. So teaching our kids keeps it going around for generations. Jacques Costeau and Rachel Carson led the way. We should follow. Peace

Mozart - Sonata KV 448 for 2 Pianos [Murray Perahia & Radu Lupu]

Thursday, January 27, 2011

2011 is the gotterdammerung of global warming, upwelling caused by GCR will energize the bioluminescent feeding frenzy on the phytoplankton blooms.

Second part is the mechanism of how GCR activates the phytoplankton (PI) production cycle. Quiet Sun is beneficial to PI growth with less UV radiation.An increase of Galactic cosmic rays (GCR) causes acoustic cavitation in the shallow depths of the Ocean waters. Tiny bubbles form wherein carbon dioxide and oxygen are ionized but also radiated at high temperatures from the very intense high energy from the cosmic frequency containing protons (H+) and muons. Isotopes of carbon,oxygen, and ions of salt present such as argon,chlorine and boron. Bacteria are adversely affected by the bursting of these bubbles and the radiation destroys their vital DNA. Plankton have defenses to protect against some of the radiation such as calcium carbonate shells, selective nanogates and motility. Most of the cosmic ray flux comes after the solar wind decreases at night so the phyoplankton migrate deeper. That is when the zooplankton with bioluminesce feed upon the phytoplankton more successfully and avoid the solar UV rays as well as fish. Increased upwelling occurs during this period due to Ekman transport processes. Upwelling of nutrients occurs to feed PI along with zooplankton, bioluminescent dinoflaggelates, squid, jellies, bacteria, fish from Ocean depths of 1000 to 8000 feet. GCR penetrates deep into Ocean with high energy bursts (proton, muons & neutrinos) giving power to bioluminescence and food finding at night. GCR supplies H+ for NADP >ADP> cycle for Phosphorus cycle and luciferin. This movement brings on motility and migration of zooplankton to the surface in great numbers. GCR can penetrate ice and depths of Ocean. In the Arctic and Antarctic the favored creature would be populations of Krill.A species of crustacean that the great whales depend upon as a food source.
A combination of high PI growth and increased feeding at night results in increased DMS and cloud formation. Increased feeding on PI by zooplankton results in more lysis of PI cells releasing dimethyl sulfide into the Atmos. In the atmosphere DMS is oxidized into sulfur dioxide which acts as a nucleus for cloud condensation. These low clouds reflect the sunlight and cool the surface of the Ocean. Life from the Cosmos is generated and energized into abundance.Groundbreaking discovery aint it for a hick like me but I am standing on the shoulders of Giants like Svensmark and Lovelock et al in my references.

Fantasia 2000 Flying Whales, Revised Score

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cosmic rays induce phytoplankton production and better fishing

This is the gist of my theory folks. La Nina has commenced as a result of a Quiet Sun, lower Sea Surface temperatures, upwelling of nutrients,and consequent phytoplankton (PI) blooms will be sustained for zooplankton increases and of course greater catches of fish in years to come. This event bodes well for Climate for the phytoplankton will produce dimethyl sulfide in defense against feeding by zooplankton. Feeding brings lysis of phytoplankton cells and release of DMS into the atmosphere as well as ingestion by zooplankton and and bacteria. This will bring about oxidation of DMS into sulfides which act as cloud condensation nuclei. Thereby clouds are formed over the blooms of PI, low clouds that reflect the incoming sunlight. This high energy intercepted by PI forms weather systems and even hurricanes but more on that later. Cosmic rays are very short wave lengths of electromagnetic energy coming from distant galaxies and supernovas. This theory boldly states that an Outer space connection exists between Life on Earth and other galaxies light years away. Not only is there a connection but during any period when the Sun is Quiet, Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR) rain down primarily thorough the poles and energize PI to produce in abundance, also in conjunction with Sunlight of course with lower UV damage to PI. It is during these periods of La Nina that commercial catches of fish are at their peak. Since fish are at the top of the food chain that means PI is in abundance. GCR does more damage to bacteria which would assimilate much of the DMS, than to PI. PI have more defense mechanism to protect from short wave radiation such as MAA (mycosporineamino acid),carotenoids, motility and calcium carbonate skeltons such as coccolithophore. The Northern latitudes benefit the most from this influx of GCR and Quiet Sun. Also coastal regions at this time will experience upwelling and PI production. May the Force be with you!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The P factor

Deforestation as the major cause of global warming is my hypothesis, i have not come up with all the supporting evidence which would be enormous but I think it makes good sense. The scenario is like this: trees are cut in a forest along a river, exposing the soil, soil erodes and the carbon stock in the soil is released to the atmos and the river, that part goes into the ocean. So there are 2 part s of Carbon atmos and Ocean, plus the lumber and ecosystem loss. Common sense tells me this is a far greater problem than smokestacks. But I dont want to belittle that problem , either but I want to tackle each problem separately. the reason i think deforestation is a greater problem is simply:1. the loss of an ecosystem 2. loss of culture of people 3. loss of resources 4. loss of soil carbon 5. eutrophication of delta and BOD, resulting in siltation, loss of estuary, fishery and ecosystem collapse in domino fashion 6. loss of clouds and world above and within forest 7. change of climate as a result 8. desert or swamp as a result 9. fires, aerosols, brown clouds and melting of snow and ice in arctic and alpine regions 10. water quality and quantity severe 11. epidemics of disease, starvation and WAR . You dont get these consequences from smoke stacks but they have other problems of course. A similar disaster can happen to phytoplankton from all the trash,sewage, toxins, plastic dumped in the Ocean. Phytoplankton produce more Oxygen than all the forests on Earth combined and dolphins and whales are friends live there. Also we eat the fish and mollusks so on. Phytoplankton (P) can use lot of that CO2 dissolved in the Ocean water if healthy. In turn P will provide a base for the food chain as well as regulate the climate. P is the regulator not water or CO2 but those gases will feed P. This is my Maia hypothesis but it is not homeostasis but dependent on sources outside our solar system like cosmic rays. That is the difference. I am inviting you and anyone else on this quest of the universe to discover a new theory of life on planet Earth. Call it the P factor if you will. So over again: P when given sufficient cosmic rays and Sol rays will bloom. Next DMS is produced along with Oxygen which is vital, CO2 is recycled into the benthos and food chain, some is released back to Atmos. Next, A great deal of energy is complexed through many sources (less thermodynamic entropy)....THIS is the primary goal. Limit thermodynamic entropy and resources will be conserved and less heat will be generated. Next CNN created which makes a cloud system--a Climate is made by P! Wind and water currents are concurrent with P, upwelling feeds P. Hurricane paths are changed by P, in fact P can make storms, powerful little guys. Next P climate system depending on coastal or pelagic will move onto land. Next Land processes in turn affect P populations ie dust storms, runoff, smokestack emissions, overfishing, whaling, deforestation. So the CO2 theory has some validity as far as it affects the ecosystems but it is secondary. There are other factors to consider that can not be overlooked. 1. Atomic bomb testing had an enormous effect which is what i was implying for 1945-75. Also the radiation lag time is just catching up now after 50 years form radioactive Cesium. It is in the lagoons and soil of the atolls of the South Pacific and in fact throughout the world. we can only hope that P can overcome this tragedy. It should not be underestimated. This and other nuclear wastes are good reason to ban Nuclear anything. I have accumulated lots of papers on these subject but will post them on my blog.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Towards a new theory: 1. Solar cycle 24, low sunspot number, low solar activity, lower SST, more phytoplankton,more DMS,more CNN,more clouds, more cosmic rays, more ionization 1km above troposphere,more c14 more Be 10>>>>>means less solar radiation on land with more clouds. So a decrease of sunspots is directly related to temperatures on land. SST is figured for pelagic areas of Ocean, currents and winds will distribute heat to land. Coastal areas are affected differently as upwelling currents will cause phytoplankton to increase as cold currents meet warm currents from river basins and land. so these changes will occur seasonally, blooms start in the spring.

Friday, January 21, 2011


1. CO2 follows temperature always, why ...Ocean and land releases Co2 plants grow faster. 2. CO2 is good for plant growth, we need more CO2 to feed the evergrowing population. 3. AWG nuts are malthusian evolutionists. They demand that people stop populating. well maybe not all of yous guys. 4. Plankton in the Ocean and bacteria on land release dimethyl sulfides which causes cloud formations. This cools the Earth as a natural feedback and response to increased solar influx and temperature. 5. Water is the driving force. 2/3rds of the planet is the Ocean. Water moderates the cyclic nature of the Sun. 6. TREES are necessary on land to hold the water necessary for life, bacteria are not sufficient reservoirs. Trees will grow geometrically in response to increased levels of CO2. But if the land is denuded solar radiation will bake the Earth and exhaust the reserves of carbon in the soil as is evident in the tropical soils. 7. Ocean life must also be protected because the plankton regulate the Climate of the Earth. they are like the mitochondria within us, powerhouses of the planet. We should be thankful that the One who breathes forth all beings has given us these wonderful gifts. more in HIKWAPA the Ice Age epic as two young men find a paradise back in time.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A new look at climate change

1. Is the Climate changing as a result of mankind's activities? 2.Does an increase of CO2 into the atmosphere cause a phenomenon known as global warming?
1. It is possible that climate can be affected in regions of industrial impacts and other activities such as logging, burning and farming. Smog definitely impacts weather in areas where inversions occur. Deforestation and farming on a large scale can lead to desertification, erosion and degradation of water supplies. Burning areas of forest, leaving arable land uncovered can lead to duststorms and brown cloud formations.
2. There is no direct evidence that an accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will lead to runaway global warming effect. Attempts to fudge data to support graphs showing dramatic tropospheric temperature rise vs. carbon dioxide levels have been discredited by the scientific community.